Where your impulses find a home! Whether you're into gaming, AI development, music creation, or just love a good live lounge session, we've got a little something for everyone. Managed Impulsivity is the ultimate playground for all those projects you've started, the ones you're currently juggling, and yes, even those you promise you'll finish someday.

Think of it as a sanctuary for creativity with a dash of chaos. Dive into our universe of ever-evolving ideas, and who knows, maybe you’ll help us actually finish something! Explore, contribute, and let’s turn these brilliant impulses into reality together – because let's face it, many heads are better than one!

About Me/Us

No, the "us" isn't part of a pronoun or multiple identities—it’s a homage to the many people who’ve boosted me along the way. Hello! My name is Thomas, Tom, Tomothy, Uncle Tom, or whatever name you prefer. I'm a bloke in my mid-30s who has tried more careers than the average human, is surprisingly well-educated, and boasts a very varied skillset. For almost four decades, my brain has been wired differently from most. Nowadays, we call it ADHD.

ADHD, along with autism and every other disability, comes with a stigma that everyone who has it must excel somewhere. Sure, some do, but not all. Not all people with autism have a special ability and can talk to ghosts, not all people with ADHD can run a million-dollar business, and not all blind people can smell or hear better. It’s taken a long time to embrace my unique perspective and how my brain works. I have great ideas, work hard, and have an excellent attention to detail... if I’m focused. If you ask me to sculpt an ice statue at the North Pole with a chainsaw and excite me enough, I’ll read, watch, practice, and learn until I can do it. I’ll read a book and watch a video about it while cleaning the house. But throw something else at me, and I’ll drop my chainsaw and do that instead...

So, here we are. I set up Managed Impulsivity in 2023. It's a place where my projects no longer die but stay in a semi-constructed state. In 2023, my partner expressed frustration that every time I had an ADHD-fueled music session, I’d ultimately decide it was rubbish and delete it. So, we made an agreement: everything must be saved or stored before deletion. Setting up the site also required a master’s degree in computer science, a web development module, AI discovery, and building and hosting my own web and email server... but here it is!

The current offering is the sister company, MIGaming, where there’s active development of a game. With the help of some patient friends, we’re developing and testing it sporadically. You can check that out above. I’m probably still on YouTube under ManagedImpulsivity... who knows? Anyway, if you want to help with any project, chat, or bounce your crazy ideas off me, I’m all ears. Contact me below. I’m especially interested in hearing from fellow Attention-Deficited individuals, with or without the hyperactivity. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll make it?

I may never finish a project to the point I’m happy with it until I die. Then again, dying would be the completion of life—the only thing I’ll maybe see through to the end. :)

"Embrace your chaos, for within it lies the power to create brilliance."

Contact Us

Our contact system is currently under construction, but worry not! For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to Tom at tom@managedimpulsivity.co.uk. He's eagerly awaiting your emails and might even respond in record time. Cheers!